I assume like many of you, I am trying to get a handle on AI. I don't know much about large language models, but know AI is now a large part of our lives, whether we understand or not. My younger seIf read a lot of science fiction: Asimov, Heinlein, Clarke, Philip K, Bradbury, etc. My reading tastes have changed over the years, and I now prefer mysteries and noir, fiction that focuses on the depravities of human behavior. If I had continued to read sci fi, I may have developed a better understanding of AI.
As with all things human, there are concerns with how artificial intelligence technology is applied: ethical issues, privacy concerns, accountability, who controls what and how safely, and the lack of regulations and oversight. As I write, OpenAI is being sued by multiple parties for copyright violations. But what's also different today is our access to very powerful AI models like ChatGPT, Claude and Perplexity.
So how does all this relate to us in 2024. How integrated is AI into the economy and other aspects of our lives. So I decided to ask. Who best to ask but the horse itself. Straight from the horse's mouth. Claude.

Me: So Claude, how is AI currently being used in the world?
Claude: AI is currently being used in a wide range of applications across various industries and sectors around the world. Here are some examples of how AI is being utilized: healthcare, finance & banking, retail and e-commerce, transportation & logistics, entertainment & media, manufacturing & industrial automation, and government & public sector.
The government and public sector was particularly intriguing. According to Claude, AI is being used to power decision support systems for policymaking and public service delivery, for AI-based citizen engagement and digital government initiatives, and AI-driven threat detection and national security applications.
Me: What US agencies are currently using AI for policy making and public service delivery?
Claude: Several U.S. federal agencies are using and exploring the use of AI technologies for policymaking and public service delivery. Here are some examples: Medicare, Medicaid, Department of Health & Human Services, Veterans Affairs, Internal Revenue Service, Homeland Security, and the General Services Administration.

Claude goes on to state: While the adoption of AI in the U.S. federal government is still relatively nascent, many agencies are actively exploring the potential benefits and addressing the challenges associated with the responsible deployment of these technologies. Ongoing collaboration between policymakers, technology experts, and the public will be crucial to ensure that AI is leveraged in a way that enhances government efficiency, transparency, and service delivery.
I'm impressed. Ask a question and Claude gives a very straight answer. No editorial commentary. More than can be said for the talking heads and so-called experts that populate the web and the airwaves.
I can see that having a conversation with Claude could quickly become a rabbit hole. But is this all there is? Seems like a good Claude question for AI-Part 2.