Watermelon Sacrifice 2024

“Watermelon, watermelon, red to the rind, if you don’t believe it, pull down the blinds. We sell it to the rich, we sell it to the poor, we sell it to the woman standing in that door. In that DO…O…OR.”
There doesn’t appear to be any specifics as to the day or time of the watermelon sacrifice. The only constant is the location. The Fais Do Do stage typically features Cajun and Zydeco performers, but has expanded to include acts like the Mavericks, Los Lobos, John Hiatt and Amy Helm.

My assumption was the sacrifice is some sort of weird Cajun activity, with a circle of Ragin’ Cajuns in religious frenzy singing the Watermelon Song, performing physical acts upon the melon as an integral part of the sacrifice. This continues until reaching a feverish pitch, the melon is trust into the air, explodes upon impact, and the fruit is set upon and devoured as if a church offering.

Apparently this is not a specifically Cajun activity. There goes my assumption. So, what’s the point? It appears there is none, like many things in New Orleans, I suppose it’s merely a reason to celebrate life. All at the expense of a watermelon.
