I think Joe Biden is an infinitely better man than Donald Trump. He's not perfect, and I can relate. I see compassion and empathy as Biden's core values. I don't see nor think it exists in Trump's character. In my view, the man has no soul. This contrast should make voting very easy. But a sense of disappointment and pervading gloom is beginning to establish a foothold.
I am at that stage when aging is the reality. Along with many of the folks with whom I socialize, I am very lucky, and continue to have good health, a good relationship, and good friendships.
Seventy-four trips around the sun. There are days when I physically feel 74. But cognitively, intellectually? I feel much younger, that my faculties have definitely not aged in step with the flesh and blood.
I read a blog that follows the experience of aging based on responses to a set series of (13) interview questions. The first (2) questions are, "How old are you?, and "Do you feel old for your age? Young for your age? Just right? Are you in step with your peers?" It is the contrast between the 1st and 2nd questions that offer the most interesting responses. Most, if not all, the replies are clear in that the responders place their mental ages as significantly younger, 15 -20 years younger.
I am fortunate with good physical and mental health, but we all know where this is ultimately heading. I am not a medical professional, yet we have all witnessed the decline of family and friends. I'm not sure when that tipping point occurs, when the decline ibecomes more rapid and steeper. We have all observed this. You don't need to be a professional.
I find the issues and criticisms with Biden's age to be real and very concerning. Yes, in a partisan response, many will point out that Trump also demonstrates cognitive decline. Great, but that does not offer any solace for me. Unfortunately, when I look at Joe Biden, I am looking at a man who may have reached that tipping point. His gait, his speech, the limited public appearances, all indicate that Joe's decline will escalate. And given the current state of life on Earth, this is very disturbing.
I am frustrated , troubled and discouraged that the choice is between a good, compassionate man, whose aging process appears to be escalating, and someone who is a menace, a threat and an indicted, possibly soon-to-be convicted, criminal. The differences between these men are stark.
I will be voting against Trump, Trumpism and MAGA. And it's unfortunate we are in this situation. When was the last time you've been inspired by a candidate. I was too young to vote for John Kennedy, so in my lifetime, that candidate was Obama. I would expect the likelihood of presidential debates is nil. How could there not be a debate between presidential candidates? This no time for wishful thinking or hiding our heads in the sand. Inspiration is not part of the 2024 equation. What is left is an increasing disappointment and resignation.