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How Old is Too Old? - Part 2

Writer's picture: Steven MitchellSteven Mitchell

A hypothetical 4th of July Speech

In February, I wrote of my concerns with President Biden's age and condition. The post included the following:

"I find the issues and criticisms with Biden's age to be real and very concerning. Yes, in a partisan response, many will point out that Trump also demonstrates cognitive decline. Great, but that does not offer any solace for me. Unfortunately, when I look at Joe Biden, I am looking at a man who may have reached that tipping point. His gait, his speech, the limited public appearances, all indicate that Joe's decline will escalate."

Unfortunately, last Thursday's debate exposed what many of us feared. It was painful to watch, and it is clear that Biden is not capable of another term, and needs to do what is best for the country. In reading and thinking about potential options and decisions, I hope that his family and staff do the right thing. If I were one of Biden's advisors, I would encourage Joe to speak to nation on July 4, and suggest the following:

"My fellow Americans

Today we celebrate the world’s greatest experiment in democracy, the day when our founding document expressed the vision for a new nation. The Declaration of Independence is as vital an expression of freedom and aspiration as it was in 1776. It proclaims America, not as a complete and finished product, but as a dream, a dream of resolve, hope and purpose.

But that dream in under attack, and we are in a battle for the soul of our country. The forces of MAGA and the Project 2025 sycophants continue their attacks on women’s rights, climate change, environmental and consumer protections, and many of the freedoms that countless Americans have fought to protect and preserve.

I am a fortunate man. I have been able to serve my country as it’s President. I am a link in a chain that extends back to Washington and passes through Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy and Obama.

I have spent the past week with my family and staff determining the best path forward. And in the spirit of Kennedy’s famous quote, “Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country”, I have decided not to seek reelection as your President, and I will release my delegates for the Democratic Convention to decide our next candidate for President.

I have heard the concerns of the American people. My family and trusted staff are in agreement. We need to pass the torch to the next generation of leaders.

History will determine my legacy. My hope is that I have served well, and have done so in a compassionate manner. We are the greatest country in history, yet still a work in progress. continuing to seek our better angels. This election is truly for the soul of America, and I urge all Americans to reject Trump and the MAGA menace.

May God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America."



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