When Andrew Carnegie was in his teens, he was unable to afford the fee to use the local library. Carnegie was intent on improving himself, and petitioned the library administrator. He was turned down. Carnegie then wrote a letter to the editor of the Pittsburgh Dispatch, arguing that poor and working people should be given free access to libraries. As a result of the letter, the fee was waived, but only for Carnegie. From this experience, Carnegie ultimately became the "Patron Saint of Libraries". Starting in the 1880's, he funded the construction of 2,509 "Carnegie Libraries". In 1903, the Town of Ashland was awarded $10,000 for a public library, promising that library operations would be funded through public funds and would provide free access to all.

"The Public" is a 2018 film written, directed, and starring Emilio Estevez. The story takes place in the Cincinnati Public Library. The film's cast is impressive and includes Alec Baldwin, Jeffrey Wright, Christian Slater, and Michael K. Williams. Despite the cast, the plot is heavy-handed and the direction is over-the-top. Yet the film resonates and identifies themes beyond just a building and borrowing books. "The Public" refers to both library users and to the library as a public good. It describes the reality of public libraries in our cities, where "The Public" may be the only opportunity for refuge and shelter for the homeless, particularly during the winter.

The 21st century public library is no longer a repository of printed materials. Yes, the shelves are still lined with books, but "The Public" has become another center of community life, and serves many functions beyond the traditional functions of a library. Promoting freedom of thought and speech, standing against censorship, the public library is open to all regardless of economic circumstances.
If you have been to the Boston Public Library during the winter, you can witness it's importance to the local community, many who, for many reasons, do not have the privileges, resources and advantages that most others possess. For many, the BPL is access to bathroom facilities. The library serves as a refuge from the cold, snow, rain, and as a safe haven for vulnerable populations. It is a resource center connecting patrons to computers and social services (https://guides.bpl.org/guide4help). Literacy programs are typically offered through public libraries.

Libraries also provide emergency shelter. Several years ago, a tornado warning for Ashland was declared, and Ashland Farmers Market vendors and customers were directed to the Ashland Public Library for shelter.
Libraries are often described as places of "fellowship with humanity", providing a source for human connections. In some ways it sounds like a church or a temple, welcoming to all, offering refuge and safe haven, without judgement.

"When you are growing up there are two institutional places that affect you most powerfully: the church, which belongs to God, and the public library, which belongs to you. The public library is a great equaliser." - Keith Richards

access and connections